How do you do your job every day?
Here is a question that we all get asked almost every single day and this is a very personal question and there is a lot of meaning behind it. A better way of answering this is by changing the question to “Why” instead of “How”.
Becoming a funeral director in most cases is not a choice but I like to think of it as a “calling”. We were not asked by anyone to do this but yet we all feel as if we were called and we are serving a higher purpose. Serving families in what could be the hardest days of their life would take a toll on any one person and doing it over and over again everyday doesn’t seem to make sense to most people who ask this question.
Being a funeral director would be a very tough “job” but being a servant that believes in His sovereign plan takes a lot of the pain out of our day. There are many times when it doesn’t make sense nor can we understand but we know that there is comfort in healing and it is our accepted duty to provide the families that we serve this ability to grieve in a healthy way that will ultimately lead to their healing. A family who first enters our doors are lost, broken and full of so many unanswered questions and this is where we step in as funeral directors. We can take this family through the necessary steps that will alleviate all of their questions and concerns so that they can focus on their healing. Once we can get the family to the point of healing, we can see that pain and worry leave them and this is the very thing that brings comfort to us a funeral directors.
We have to believe in the greater good and the service to our community. With this being said, there are still many hard days. I have personally witnessed our staff stopping what they were doing because of this blanket of grief and sadness that we work under and start praying for guidance and understanding because alone we would be lost.
It is our hope that we can continue to use our gifts and strengths to help the families that call upon us to find this place of tranquility where they can be comforted. This brings the same level of peace and comfort to us and we need this to continue in what we do. Seeing that burden lifted and the comfort overcome them is the reason “why” we do this everyday.
So go hug a funeral director the next time you see them…. They will appreciate it!